Tuesday, June 3, 2014

DIG Part 2: e.p. thompson's warrens

DIG! DIG DEEP! beneath the bottoms of our feet
we must warren ourselves as the rabbits of the earth
gnawing and gnashing at the roots
wriggling and pushing through the dirt
We can no longer be castrated by that unforgivable malarkey
that all good things come from above,
“Power concedes nothing without a demand… it never did and it never will.”
Our small pockets of resistance must dig and tunnel and burrow
we have to dig and dig and dig till the ground gives way
til the load of what is -- becomes to great for the hollow earth below
til the haughty foundations of society fall in on themselves
til those monuments to the greatness of humankind topple and fall
til our tiny seed sprouts and takes root, punctures the stone
and guts the pavement of flesh and bone
we have to dig to one another
connect our struggles through a network of tunnels
from a birds eye...
a patchwork quilt of crisscrossing radical currents
The interconnectedness of everything
It is in their honor that we dig…
those who hurled themselves on the bayonets of the robber barons caste
those who were dashed to pieces on the reefs and shoals of an intransigent past
in the ground where their tattered bodies finally rest
we will plant our seeds.
we will form the basis for our new world in the still smoldering, burned out carapace of the old.

DIG Part 1: connecting the dots

We have been scattered to the wind as seed sewn to a godless winter
set against each other to compete for a meager life found wanting
driven to madness at a breakneck pace
fighting to keep a foothold, embattled against the cold
while every possible institution and authority tries to beat us down and stamp us out
we isolate ourselves and plot against one another
our egos deny nature while doffing hats to Darwin's central tenets
longing to be together we are forced to be alone 
shuttered in behind locked doors
suffering with dignity
fealty to the status quo
anchored to our our traditions, our guilt, our homes
day dreaming of a world we couldn’t possibly know
a world of freedom, without suffering, a world with genuine community,
a world of equality and harmony with one another and the earth
and without ever missing a beat
a resounding crack shakes us from our momentary stupors
If we had more
or maybe if we had it all
we could transcend this horrible fate
we could take a seat around that lofty table with those who have never wanted or needed anything
so we fence off our homes, (that benign tumor of private property)
and we heap our treasures upward to the sky
stepping upon each other in an endless quest to touch heaven

for all of us struggling to find meaning in this desperate and terrible world
wrestling with the maddening futility of all we have accomplished
we must concede that the machinery of our lives was set in motion long before we were born 
and it can no longer be our aim, to hurl our bodies upon the apparatus to seize and bind it’s gears
but to dig beneath the very foundation itself and erode the ground that bears it’s weight.